Mariana Hernández-Montilla

Visiting Researcher

I am a transdisciplinary researcher interested in understanding socio-ecological systems, conflicts, and complexities to improve conservation projects in developing countries. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from The University of Zulia in Venezuela and a Master’s degree in Natural Resources and Rural Development from The College of the Southern Frontier (El Colegio de la Frontera Sur), ECOSUR, Mexico. As a researcher, I have been involved in projects in different countries focused on biodiversity conservation, human-nature relationships, resilience, environmental policies, land use, and climate change on threatened species and ecosystems. I also have experience connecting people through science communication and photography, coordinating social programs, and mapping projects using geographic information systems.

During my last position at the Global Resilience Partnership, I contributed to projects focusing on resilience and peace-building (South to South Resilience Academy and Seeds of Resilience for Peace and Stability). I currently work as a Research Fellow at Trinity College Dublin & NATURA. Among the responsibilities of my position, I conduct an archetype analysis in Nature-based Solutions (NbS) to identify commonly desired and undesirable futures and risks and opportunities relating to transformative urban adaptation in the Global South.

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