Societal Attitudes to Urban Novel Ecosystems
NovelEco is a participatory science project that will measure, for the first time, societal attitudes towards urban wild spaces and species (or novel ecosystems) by working with citizens to study them and generate data on these unusual and perhaps overlooked urban ecosystems.
DOWNLOAD OUR FREE APP NOW! We are looking for YOUR data on the wild spaces and species that are near you, or that you pass while out and about. Sign up today and help us by carrying out your own participatory science data gathering exercise, and also letting us know what these wild spaces and species mean to you!
We use a participatory (formerly citizen) science approach to measure, for the first time, societal attitudes to urban wild spaces by asking people to study them. This will address a major gap in understanding whether human contact with nature, especially ‘wild’ nature, can have beneficial social and personal effects.
NovelEco will thus create a new awareness of the transformative potential of urban wild spaces while advancing frontier science in the fields of urban novel ecosystems and social-ecological systems science.

Novel ecosystems
Dr. Marcus Collier | TEDx Talk
Many scientists contend that we are now in a human-created geological era called the Anthropocene. This is the era where the human footprint has altered all aspects of the Earth’s functions. Between 28-36% of the earth has been irreparably transformed by human activities. These areas are called novel ecosystems.
In his TEDx 2015 talk, Marcus talks about novel ecosystems theory, which is proving challenging for our goals of restoring damaged landscapes and conserving habitats and species.